JeremiahCry Ministries

The Gospel By Paul Washer

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Local Church and Evangelism

This is a fantastic sermon on the local church and evangelism. This I think was from the Go Stand Speak/ JeremiahCry Conference held a few weeks ago.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

1st Friday outreach 8-6-10

A few of us got there early to find a place to set up.They changed things around and had some of the streets closed off to traffic. We walked around for about 45 minutes, handed out some tracts, and had a few one to ones before we settled on a corner. There were 7 of us altogether. I started to preach the Gospel and the battle began. A man got up from where he was selling his items and started to yell at me for being loud. He claimed he was a Christian. Before I started to preach I thanked our veterans for fighting for our freedoms, one of them being our freedom of speech. There were also police on the corner. The man complained to the police and someone else from the event came out to voice their disapproval. The police told them there was nothing they can do and that I have the right to preach. They had already checked to see if they could stop me and found out that they can't. I continued to open air preach and a young woman who works for 1st Fridays came up to me after I was finished preaching and said I was doing it wrong. I shouldn't be proclaiming the Gospel in the open air. She claimed to be a Christian and said we were scaring people away and it was harming their event and people were not coming out because of us. But on their web site they are claiming that they are getting huge crowds out for these events and there were plenty of people there.

This women also said they will go to the city council meeting and try to get us kicked out so we won't be able to come back. I told her we have a constitutional right and that we are commanded to share our faith,and we have been coming down here for almost 2 years. While all this is going on a Pastor starts talking to this women and is defending us and what we are doing.(God is always faithful to send encouragement). He heard me preach and was happy we were out there defending the faith. He later prayed with our team and myself that God would receive all the Glory and His Name be High and lifted up.

As the night progressed the crowds got huge and hundreds of tracts (maybe over 1000) got handed out and many people had one to one conversations and much more open air preaching took place. We had a lot of encouragement later in the evening after the spiritual battle we had earlier. God sent us many people to say thanks for doing what we were doing and to keep it up. See friends we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. There was a mighty battle fought last night in the spiritual realm that we can't see but Jesus has already won the battle for us. Our God is in control of all things. May we continue to be BOLD and proclaim the Gospel.This fight is for the souls of men ,woman and children. We pray that God will raise up more laborers to enter the fight. Please pray for us and those who heard the Gospel last night.

No King but Jesus