JeremiahCry Ministries

The Gospel By Paul Washer

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Writings of John Leland

John Leland was a Baptist leader in the 1800's. Listen to this from his writings about the new measures that were taking place during his lifetime in which Finney lead the charge.

In these days of novality we are frequently addressed from the pulpit as follows:...
Profane sinners, I call upon you to flee from the wrath to come - come this minute and give your hearts to God, or you will seal your own damanation - God has given you the power, and will damm you if you do not use it- God has done all he can for you and will do no more- look not for a change of heart; a change of purpose is all that is necessary.... My hearers, you may have a revival of religion whenever you please...
Had the spirit of infallible orthodoxy, I could fix a standard of orthodoxy; but as I have no claim to that high attainment, I shall only remark that, 'I have not so learned Christ- I do not understand the scriptures in that light-it is not the voice of my beloved,'it sounds like the voice of a stranger and I dare not follow it.

Friday, June 12, 2009

"Sanctification" by Thomas Watson

"Sanctification" by Thomas Watson: "Thomas Watson

‘For this is the will of God, even your sanctification.’ 1 Thess iv 3.

The word sanctification signifies to consecrate and set apart to a holy use: thus they are sanctified persons who are separated from the world, and set apart for God’s service. Sanctification has a privative and a positive part.
I. A privative part, which lies in the purging out of sin. Sin is compared to leaven, which sours; and to leprosy, which defiles. Sanctification purges out ‘the old leaven.’ 1 Cor v 7. Though it takes not away the life, yet it takes away the love of sin.
II. A positive part, which is the spiritual refining of the soul; which in Scripture is called a ‘renewing of our mind,’ Rom xii 2, and a ‘partaking of the divine nature.’ 2 Pet 14. The priests in the law were not only washed in the great layer, but adorned with glorious apparel. Exod xxviii 2; so sanctification not only washes from sin, but adorns with purity.
What is sanctification?
It is a principle of grace savingly wrought, whereby the heart becomes holy, and is made after God’s own heart. A sanctified person bears not only God’s name, but his image. In opening the nature of sanctification, I shall lay down these seven positions:—
(1.) Sanctification is a supernatural thing; it is divinely infused. We are naturally polluted, and to cleanse, God takes to be his prerogative. ‘I am the Lord which sanctify you.’ Lev xxi 8. Weeds grow of themselves. Flowers are planted. Sanctification is a Rower of the Spirit’s planting, therefore it is called, ‘The sanctification of the Spirit.’ 1 Pet 12.
(2.) Sanctification is an intrinsic thing; it lies chiefly in t"

The Mercy of God

14. Of the Mercy of God.: "A Body of Doctrinal Divinity
Book 1—Chapter 14
Of The Mercy Of God

The Mercy of God differs, in some respects; both from the love and grace of God; from the love of God in its objects, and order of operation: in its objects; which, though the same, are regarded under different considerations. Love pitched itself originally on objects, in the pure mass of creatureship, as unfallen, though it continues with them in their fallen state, and through all the imperfections of this life, to eternal happiness; mercy supposes its objects miserable, and so fallen: in order of operation; for though they are together in God, the one as early as the other, yet love seems to work by mercy, and mercy from it; the objects being viewed as dead in sin, and for it, love stirs up mercy to quicken them with Christ, and in themselves; God, 'who is rich in mercy, for the great love', &c. (Eph. 2:4, 5). Mercy also differs from grace; for though all mercy is grace, because it is free, unmerited, undeserved; yet all grace is not mercy[1]: much grace and favour are shown to the elect angels; in the choice of them in Christ; in the preservation of them from the apostasy others of their species fell into; in constituting Christ the head of them, by whose grace they are confirmed in the state in which they were created; and in their being indulged with the presence of God, and communion with him; they always beholding his face in heaven; all which is abundant grace, but not mercy; since they never were miserable, and so not objects of mercy. The things to be considered respecting this attribute, are,
1. The properties of it, which will lead more clearly into its nature, and the knowledge of it.
1a. Mercy i"

Law and Gospel By Ernest Reisinger

Founders Ministries | Law and Gospel:
Law and Gospel
Ernest Reisinger
Why is the subject of 'law and gospel' important? Let me state six reasons:
Because there is no point of divine truth upon which ministers and Christians make greater mistakes than upon the proper relationship which exists between the law and the gospel.
Because there can be no true evangelical holiness, either in heart or life, except it proceed from faith working by love; and no true faith, either of the law or the gospel, unless the leading distinction between the one and the other are spiritually discerned. The law and the gospel are set before us in the Bible as one undivided system of truth, yet an unchangeable line of distinction is drawn between them. There is also an inseparable connection and relationship. Unfortunately, some see the difference between them but not the relationship; however, the man who knows the relative position of the law and the gospel has the keys of the situation in understanding the Bible and its doctrine.
Because a proper understanding between the law and the gospel is the mark of a minister who rightly divides the word of truth. Charles Bridges summed up this mark of a true minister: 'The mark of a minister `approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed', is, that he `rightly divides the word of truth.' This implies a full and direct application of the gospel to the mass of his unconverted hearers, combines with a body of spiritual instruction to the several classes of Christians. His system will be marked by Scriptural symmetry and comprehensiveness. It will embrace the whole revelation of God, in its doctrinal instructions, experimental privileges and pract"